Apni Govt

Worksheet 99 Class 8 English – Paragraph Question Answer

Worksheet 99 Answer

 RSCERT Rajasthan State Council of Educational Research & Training, Udaipur द्वारा विद्यार्थियों के अधिगम स्तर को बढ़ाने के लिए एक बेहतरीन प्रयास हेतु वर्कबुक जारी की गयी है I हमने आपकी Learning में और सुधार करने और एक इस कार्यपत्रक (Class 8 Workbook) Worksheet 99 में Hard Spellings, Part of Speech, Grammar & Vocabulary , Gender,Opposite, Similar Words, One words etc यहाँ क्लियर किये है 

Class 8 worksheet 99 solutions

Competency: Reads text with comprehension-Identifies characters, traits and makes personal connections.

Read the following paragraph and answer the questions in the language of your comfort-

Kalpana Chawla was born in a city called Karnal in Haryana on 17th of March 1962. She was from a middle class family. Her father, Mr Banarsi Lal, was the owner of a tyre factory. Her mother, Sanyogita, was a housewife. She had one brother whose name was Sanjay. Kalpana loved to play cricket and had learnt karate. Kalpana always secured the first three positions in the class. She loved aeroplanes, sky, stars and flights. She used to love watching the aeroplanes fly over her hometown. It was her dream to fly like those aeroplanes in the sky. She studied hard and became an astronaut. She was very happy to become a part of NASA because it gave her the opportunity to travel to space. She loved travelling in space shuttles. Unfortunately, on 1st February 2003, when her space shuttle was returning to the earth, it crashed, and she died with her other crew members.

  1. What did kalpana want to become? Write more about the profession.
  2. Write the full name of NASA with your teacher’s help.
  3. What do you want to become in future? And why?
  4. How will you prepare to become that?

1. What did Kalpana want to become? Write more about the profession.

Kalpana Chawla wanted to become an astronaut. The profession of an astronaut involves traveling to space to conduct research, experiments, and observations. Astronauts work with space agencies like NASA, and they operate spacecraft, perform spacewalks, and contribute to the exploration and understanding of space. Kalpana was passionate about aeroplanes, sky, stars, and flights, which inspired her to pursue this dream.

2. Write the full name of NASA with your teacher’s help.

NASA stands for National Aeronautics and Space Administration.

3. What do you want to become in the future? And why?

I want to become an astronaut like Kalpana Chawla because I am fascinated by space, the sky, and the science of flying. The idea of traveling in space excites me, and I want to contribute to space exploration and discovery.

4. How will you prepare to become that?

To become an astronaut, I will study hard, especially in subjects like science, mathematics, and physics. I will focus on excelling in school and then pursue higher education in aerospace engineering or physics. I will also stay physically fit and work on developing the skills needed to become a part of a space mission, just like Kalpana Chawla did to join NASA.

Class 8 Worksheet Solutions


Word Hindi Pronunciation (उच्चारण) Meaning (अर्थ)
Karnal कर्णल हरियाणा का एक शहर, जहाँ कल्पना चावला का जन्म हुआ।
Middle-class मिडल-क्लास एक सामाजिक वर्ग जो न तो बहुत धनी होता है और न ही गरीब।
Factory फैक्ट्री एक स्थान जहाँ उत्पाद बनाए जाते हैं।
Karate कराटे एक प्रकार की मार्शल आर्ट (युद्ध कला)।
Position पोज़ीशन स्थान, स्थिति या रैंक।
Aeroplanes एरोप्लेन्स हवाई जहाज।
Shuttles शटल्स विशेष प्रकार के अंतरिक्ष यान, जो अंतरिक्ष से पृथ्वी पर यात्रा करते हैं।
Unfortunately अनफॉर्च्युनटली दुर्भाग्यवश, ऐसा कुछ हुआ जो अच्छा नहीं था।
Crashed क्रैश्ड दुर्घटनाग्रस्त होना, टूटकर गिर जाना।
Crew क्रू एक समूह, विशेष रूप से कोई कार्य करने वाली टीम, जैसे अंतरिक्ष यान के चालक दल।
Mission मिशन एक विशेष कार्य या यात्रा, जो किसी उद्देश्य को प्राप्त करने के लिए होती है।
Astronaut ऐस्ट्रोनॉट एक व्यक्ति जो अंतरिक्ष यात्रा के लिए प्रशिक्षित होता है।

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