Worksheet 51 Answer
RSCERT Rajasthan State Council of Educational Research & Training, Udaipur द्वारा विद्यार्थियों के अधिगम स्तर को बढ़ाने के लिए एक बेहतरीन प्रयास हेतु वर्कबुक जारी की गयी है I हमने आपकी Learning में और सुधार करने और इस कार्यपत्रक (Class 8 Workbook) Worksheet 51 में Hard Spellings, Grammar & Vocabulary , Gender, Opposite, Similar Words, One words etc यहाँ क्लियर किये है
Q. Write an application to your Headmaster requesting him to conduct extra classes for spoken English.
Application Type – I
The Headmaster,
GUPS Jaipur
Subject: Request for Extra Classes for Spoken English
Respected Sir/Madam,
I hope you are doing well. I am a student of Class 8th Section A, and I, along with my classmates, wish to improve our spoken English skills. We understand that speaking English fluently is important for our studies and future careers.
We kindly request you to arrange extra classes for spoken English so that we can gain confidence and improve our communication skills. These classes will help us in expressing ourselves better and participating in various activities like debates and speeches.
We will be grateful if you consider our request and make the necessary arrangements.
Thank you for your time and support.
Yours sincerely,
Class 8, Section A
Roll Number 816
Application Type-II
The Headmaster,
GUPS Jodhpur
Subject: Request for Extra Classes for Spoken English
Respected Sir/Madam,
I am a student of Class 8. Many of us want to improve our spoken English, but we need guidance. If extra classes for spoken English are arranged, it will help us speak better and with confidence.
We kindly request you to conduct extra spoken English classes for us. We will be very thankful for your support.
Yours sincerely,
Class 8, Section A
Hard Words with Pronunciation and Meaning
Word | Pronunciation (उच्चारण) | Meaning (अर्थ) |
Spoken | स्पोकन | बोला गया, मौखिक |
Guidance | गाइडेंस | मार्गदर्शन |
Arranged | अरेंज्ड | आयोजित किया गया |
Speak | स्पीक | बोलना |
Confidence | कॉन्फिडेंस | आत्मविश्वास |
Request | रिक्वेस्ट | अनुरोध |
Thankful | थैंकफुल | आभारी |
Support | सपोर्ट | सहयोग |
Opportunity | ऑपर्च्युनिटी) | अवसर |
Communication | कम्युनिकेशन | संचार |
Fluency | फ्लुएंसी | प्रवाह, धाराप्रवाह |
Improvement | इम्प्रूवमेंट | सुधार |
Expression | एक्सप्रेशन | अभिव्यक्ति |
Essential | एसेंशियल | आवश्यक |
Beneficial | बेनिफिशियल | लाभदायक |