Class 8 Worksheet 39 Question Answers
RSCERT Rajasthan State Council of Educational Research & Training, Udaipur द्वारा विद्यार्थियों के अधिगम स्तर को बढ़ाने के लिए एक बेहतरीन प्रयास हेतु वर्कबुक जारी की गयी है I हमने आपकी Learning में और सुधार करने और एक इस कार्यपत्रक (Class 8 Workbook) Worksheet 39 में Hard Spellings, Part of Speech, Grammar & Vocabulary , Gender,Opposite, Similar Words, One words etc यहाँ क्लियर किये है
Worksheet 39 Solution English
Q.You are Khushbu, studying in Govt Senior Secondary School, Gokulpura, Jaipur in Class Viii. You have been suffering from fever and you cannot attend you classes. Write an application to the Principal of your school to grant you leave for three days.
The Principal,
Govt. Senior Secondary School,
Gokulpura, Jaipur.
Subject: Application for Leave Due to Illness
I, Khushbu, a student of class VIII, am writing to inform you that I have been suffering from fever for the past few days. Due to my illness, I am unable to attend school and participate in my classes.
Therefore, I kindly request you to grant me leave for three days, starting from [mention the date. I will ensure to catch up with the missed lessons once I recover.
Thanking you for your understanding and consideration.
Yours sincerely,
Class VIII
Govt. Senior Secondary School,
Gokulpura, Jaipur.
Hard Spellings
Here’s the table with the difficult spellings, pronunciations, and meanings (in Hindi) for the application:
English Word | Pronunciation | Meaning in Hindi |
Principal | प्रिंसिपल | प्रधान, स्कूल का प्रमुख |
Secondary | सेकंडरी | माध्यमिक, जो उच्च विद्यालय से संबंधित हो |
Application | एप्लिकेशन | आवेदन पत्र, निवेदन |
Fever | फीवर | बुखार, तापमान में वृद्धि |
Illness | इलनेस | बीमारी, अस्वस्थता |
Unable | अन-एबल | असमर्थ, कुछ करने में असमर्थ |
Attend | अटेंड | उपस्थित होना, भाग लेना |
Participate | पार्टिसिपेट | भाग लेना, सहयोग करना |
Request | रिक्वेस्ट | निवेदन, अनुरोध |
Grant | ग्रांट | स्वीकृति देना, मंजूरी देना |
Ensure | एंश्योर | सुनिश्चित करना, ध्यान रखना |
Recover | रिकवर | स्वस्थ होना, ठीक होना |
Understanding | अंडरस्टैंडिंग | समझ, सहानुभूति |
Consideration | कंसिडरेशन | विचार, ध्यान देना |
Sincerely | सिन्सियरली | ईमानदारी से, सच्चाई से |
Yours | योरस | आपका, आपके द्वारा |